Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Intelligent Design


So lil ol Bushie.....has endorsed the notion of teaching Intelligent Design...which...in short..means that the belief that life forms are so complex that their creation can't be explained by Darwinian evolutionary theory alone, but rather points to intentional creation, presumably divine. FUCKIN HELLO!!!!.....Separation of church and state!!!...Does anyone else see this line gone?....These freakin Christian, bible belt, wackjobs who make us look like bigger idiots than we really are....are now attempting to show science as nothing more than wizardry....smoke and mirrors....but of course...nothign but the holy man...can make something like that.....there's no proof....if u dont belive....ur going to hell anyways.....

this needs to stop....can someone in A party get some balls and step up to this crap before all schools are held in churches....