Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I am Asian

I'm not really Asian...but my gf is half

anyways...Its funny how Corporations always try to cater to people...But sometimes they do such a horrible job that, it's better off that they not even attempt it. Like for example.....McDonald's has this site.. I am Asian and I did a Domain Lookup on it...

This is just bad. So since you see other people who are "Asian"...You all of a sudden feel compelled to eat McDonald's?

cause u know everything I hear salsa music...I "run for the border". Corporations need to learn to attempt to make a good product that people will like instead of trying to sucker them into it. Yes a lot of people are that dumb....But don't treat us all as idiots.....Who do you think you are?? The Republican Party......Wait.....I guess I answered my own question :-/


Anonymous said...

Good design!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Good design! |